LIC-Deutschland GmbH

Gesellschaft für internationalen Creditschutz

Olpener Str. 671
D-51109 Köln
Postfach 800 705
D-51007 Köln

Telephone: +49(0)221 61 77 37
Fax: +49(0)221 61 36 36

About us

LIC-Deutschland GmbH was founded in 1962 by Dr. Hans-Georg Rieber and deals with international debt collection for more than 50 years.

Our clients are export companies, credit institutes and collection agencies from 5 continents.

LIC-Deutschland GmbH is foundation member of the association LIC League International for Creditors e.V. the presidency of which was held from 1962 until 1990 by Dr. Rieber. The LIC-organization has representatives all over the world.

LIC Deutschland GmbH is a collection agency registered with the president of the Higher Regional Court Cologne. Since 1995 the daughter of the company`s founder, Ursula Rieber-Bitz, is general manager of LIC-Deutschland GmbH.

LIC-Deutschland GmbH is member of the following associations: