LIC-Deutschland GmbH

Gesellschaft für internationalen Creditschutz

Olpener Str. 671
D-51109 Köln
Postfach 800 705
D-51007 Köln

Telephone: +49(0)221 61 77 37
Fax: +49(0)221 61 36 36


I. International Debt Collection

We have specialized in international debt collection and deal with international collection cases.

We offer our collection services to

  1. companies which have their seat abroad and have a claim against a debtor in Germany (debt collection in Germany).
  2. companies which have their seat in Germany and have a claim against a debtor in another country (debt collection abroad)

If you are interested in our collection services please do not hesitate to contact us. As we have different debt collection conditions for each country please inform us in which country your claim has to be recovered. We will immediately submit you an offer for the country concerned.

II. National Debt Collection

We offer our collection services to companies which have their seat in Germany and have a claim against a debtor in Germany. The domestic debt collection tariff is applicable.